Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Challenge accepted!

Beginning of the semester, 2012, we were ready to start working on our last prototypes for pitch games.
I got into this awesome team where the game was about KILLING DODOS! I liked the idea very much, it was goofy, creative and fun.
I took a look at the original idea and I was able to give some really good contributions that re-enforced the fun in the game. We managed to have a really strong concept with a good prototype showing how the game was going to be played, only in one month!

After having such a big success with that prototype, the game was picked for final production. Then, surprising decisions popped-up, the 'executive' producers decided to move me from this team and get me into another one...
Regroup started, my new game is called ZODIAC RACERS! A very creative idea but it is a raw diamond, not very well polished on concept or fun but the theme in it, hell I like it!
Another good part of it, is that it will be developed for Kinect!
I am still a little concerned because I haven't really done anything with the Kinect (other than play a couple of games with it haha). But I take the challenge, sounds like a great opportunity to learn something innovative and new but at the same time more complicated and mysterious.

As my first task I have to develop a tool that has to recognize different poses and then let us use those poses in the game in a faster and more agile way.
Let's see what we've got!